halo worlds



worlds Featured Worlds


Overview Evo-014's Overview

The chronicles of the Halo universe have unfolded across an infinite tapestry of worlds, spanning galaxies both known and unknown. These celestial bodies have witnessed the ebb and flow of civilizations, with some standing as bustling homelands for billions, others reduced to desolate ruins, and a plethora of undiscovered realms awaiting the intrepid explorers of tomorrow.

Such is the vastness of the Halo universe, a tapestry interwoven with countless worlds, each harboring its own stories, wonders, and perils. Whether untouched paradises, battle-scarred battlegrounds, or the remnants of forgotten civilizations, these celestial spheres beckon to be explored, their secrets waiting to be unearthed by intrepid souls who dare to venture into the great unknown.

humans Human Worlds

As the tempestuous storm of the Human-Covenant War erupted, humanity had already established its presence on over 800 colony worlds, each a testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration and expansion that defined our species.

elites Covenant Worlds

Across the vast expanse of the galaxy, the Covenant, a coalition of diverse species united under a singular cause, laid claim to a myriad of worlds. From vibrant utopias teeming with life to enigmatic realms steeped in mystery, Covenant worlds formed a rich tapestry, reflecting the vast diversity of its constituent species.

forerunner Forerunner Worlds

In stark contrast to the Covenant's dominion, the enigmatic Forerunners wielded unimaginable power, their mastery of celestial engineering allowing them to fashion entire worlds and shape the fabric of solar systems. Though their reign has long faded into the annals of history, their profound legacy endures, etched upon the very fabric of the cosmos.

ancient humans Ancient Human Worlds

But even before the rise of the Forerunners, ancient humanity carved its own indelible path through the stars, establishing awe-inspiring colonies that intertwined with the remnants of the enigmatic Precursors. These Precursor ruins, shrouded in mystery and whispered secrets, served as the foundations upon which our ancestors erected their magnificent settlements, preserving a connection to a forgotten epoch.