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Carver Findings

Carver Findings
Doctor Catherine Halsey kept a detailed journal (shown here) of the insurrection, the Spartan-II program, and the Human-Covenant War. (Halo: Reach/Dr. Halsey's Journal)


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In 2491, Doctor Elias Carver published a series of findings regarding the possibility of insurrection in the outer colonies.  He summarized his findings with the following statement:

"Unless the political situation throughout the colonies is stabilized (preferably by force), the Government will collapse and civil war will rip human society apart."

The findings, while not taken seriously at the time, were a prescient warning about the insurrection that spawned only a few years later. Doctor Catherine Halsey considered Carver's work somewhat prophetic, though she believed his conclusions needed additional refining.

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These events are referenced in Doctor Halsey's Journal from the Limited and Legendary editions of Halo: Reach.

Earlier Event: January 1
First Immolation
Later Event: January 29
Orion Project - Second Class